
  1. The driver must be over the age of 23 and had a valid driver´s license for a minimum of 1 year.
  2. When collecting a rental car, you need to bring your driver´s license and a credit card.
  3. Your credit card is authorized with a higher amount than then the rental rate. This is to cover toll charges, fuel etc.
  4. Toll passes and fuel are always in addition to the rent. We are required to invoice toll passes plus 25% VAT.
  5. Photo-registered parking must be paid for on site. If not, we charge NOK 125, – in fee per. parking. Other fines pays an additonal NOK 300.
  6. You are responsible for photographing damage before the car is used.

The lessee must provide security for the financial liability arising from the lease. The security in the form of a reservation on a debit/credit card must be in place before the car is collected. The total rental price in Norwegian kroner (NOK) will be charged on return of the car. Accrued tolls, fines, unsettled parking and any damage will be charged together with the rental price or at a later date.